
A journey back to Middle Earth…

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Social Distancing

Social distancing is a term which I had never really heard of but has entered the vocabulary of just about everyone in the world in the past few weeks. It’s interesting to observe how people around the world are putting this into practice. A recent trip to the supermarket felt like an unwinding of all the effort that goes into maintaining a safe distance the rest of the time. It will be interesting once we know the outcome, reflecting back on the approach Sweden has taken which has not demanded a lockdown but has focussed on isolating and treating the sick and a voluntary approach to social distancing. Being right in the middle of it now it’s difficult to tell the long term implications of the choices countries have made. Only history will tell…


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Virtual Reality

Lockdown has meant that we need to be a lot more creative around how we connect and catchup with others. So far we have had a virtual dinner party, birthday bash, coffees and afternoon teas and catching up whilst out walking. Virtual drinks has almost become the new norm and the weekend diary is now starting to fill up as fast as the working day. It’s great to be able to be stay connected in this way and it means that everyone you know is now exactly the same distance away from you. The added benefit is not having to worry about who’s going to drive!